Revised Election Rules Adopted October 16, 2018

Revised Election Rules were adopted at the October 16, 2018, Association Meeting. The Election Rules available at the below link incorporate a new section, Section 6.2 Specific Instructions Pertaining to Elections, which includes specific policy with respect to the handling of Member requests for the voting list. This revision provides transparency as to the instructions given to the appointed Inspector’s of Election with respect to what information will and will not be shared from the Voting List. One last clarification, the Membership list is still provided to Members who request it, consistent with Civil Code and less any Members who have opted out.

Election Rules

Wind Events

The beginning of this week brought our first high wind event of Fall/Winter knocking down some small branches, and some not so small, and blowing twig, bark and leaf debris throughout the community. Following wind events the Association landscaper tours the community to evaluate damage and commences cleanup starting at the Association Recreation Center parking lot then moving to community entrances, streets, parks and finally slopes.
Trails remain on a regular rotation for maintenance so let us know if you see any areas of concern that we should address.
You may forward photos or maintenance requests to

Pony Express – October 2018

Pony Express October_2018

Electronic Consent Form

Save Money and Paper Waste by Signing up for Electronic Notices

Please complete and return the attached Electronic Transmission Member Consent Form to save mailing expenses and to be Nellie Gail SMART, Saving Money And Resources Today.  You will benefit by receiving documents in a format you can easily save for future reference, and electronic delivery will further reduce the mass mailing costs for budgets, the annual audit and other applicable documents.  Last August the budget was mailed to the membership on a CD-ROM saving over 45,000 pages of printed paper resulting in a 27% reduction of mailing costs.  Electronic transmission results in a savings of 100% of the mailing costs!  Please help us to efficiently use your financial resources by returning the attached form today to

A copy of the Electronic Consent Form can be found by clicking here.