Say Hello to the New Logo

You will start to see our new logo popping up around the community. We wanted to stay true to our history and keep the stagecoach while going in a slightly cleaner look that will fit nicely on items from wine glasses to ranch gates. We hope that you like this new look and keep your eyes peeled for future logo branding!

Equestrian Center Tree Pruning

Taking advantage of a week when many of our equestrians and horses were away at the Blenheim Summer Classic we scheduled tree pruning at the Equestrian Center. Thirty trees were pruned and work has been completed. This seasonal project benefitting the Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center was funded by Equestrian Center boarding fees.

Next Board Meeting

Graffiti Vandalism

The North side of Nellie Gail Ranch has been struck by graffiti vandals three times in the past two weeks. The areas hit were Bridlewood at Glen Canyon and Nellie Gail Road at Buckboard. It appears the tagging has been done by the same individuals. We have reported the vandalism to the sheriff and the city.

Our mobile patrol security vehicle is keeping a watch but we need the watchful attention of our homeowners too. If you see anything currently in progress please call 9-1-1. If you see anything suspicious, please report to sheriff dispatch at 949-770-6011. The City of Laguna Hills has a Graffiti Hotline you can call at 949-707-2656. Be sure to note the exact location of the graffiti. You may also call the mobile patrol security officer directly at 949-371-7542. However, please call the sheriff first, then the security patrol vehicle in order that the sheriff can respond to direct homeowner calls.

Cleanup is the responsibility of the owner of whatever was tagged. The city takes care of the streets, curbs, and sidewalks, Nellie Gail Ranch takes care of trail fencing and signs and each homeowner is responsible for their own walls or other improvements. Again, please be watchful and report anything suspicious.

Pickleball Court Retaining Wall Repairs

Repairs to the deteriorating wall are well underway. The demo on walls around four of the eight courts was completed, the top course of cinderblock was replaced with concrete and rebar, the wall has been mudded and stucco is being completed today. Work on the second half of the wall surrounding the remaining four courts continues next week. This project is being funded wholly by tennis and pickleball memberships.

Clubhouse Planting

In preparation for planting the old existing plant material was removed and the top four inches of old soil along with many surface roots. Work will continue next week with new soil and amendments being added.

Equestrian Update

Our trainer Hayden Clarke Sport Horses and many of our Equestrian Center boarders are excited to start competing again after a long layoff over Spring and early summer. This will be their first show with the new COVID-19 protocols and best practices in place. Starting next week, the two week Blenheim Summer Classic takes place at the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park in San Juan Capistrano. This is a prestigious United States Equestrian Federation event for the top competing classes.

August Pony Express

Read the August issue of the Pony Express HERE before it hits your mailbox.