Annual Meeting – Wednesday, June 5, 2019 – 6:30 p.m. 

The Inspector of Election reports having received 502 ballots through this past Thursday. In order to meet the required quorum of 50% for the June 5th meeting, we require an additional 202 homeowners to be represented either by ballot or in person. The Inspector of Election will evaluate the status of quorum the evening of the meeting and if quorum is not met a reconvened meeting will be formally scheduled for June 12, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Association Clubhouse at which time the quorum requirement will drop to 25% (352 ballots or Members present).

Although the 25% quorum for a reconvened meeting is ensured, our goal is to have as many of our 1,407 homeowners represented as possible. If you are one of the 905 homeowners who is not yet represented in this election, please locate your ballot, complete it and mail in the postage pre-paid envelope. If you require a replacement ballot you may request one from The Ballot Box Inspector of Election at

Remember to have the homeowner of record sign the outside of the envelope before mailing.