Clubhouse Planting
Planting at the Clubhouse is nearly complete with final fill in and mulching scheduled next week. The two trees in the photo are Desert Willow’s adorned with trumpet-shaped flower clusters that bloom late spring to fall. The trees will attract hummingbirds and are said to be fast-growing and easy to maintain. In the planter surrounding the trees, we have Gold Coin Daisy’s, Pigeon Point Dwarf Coyote Brush, and Siskiyou Blue Fescue for a mixture of flowers, shrubs, and grasses. The arbor has Antignon Leptopus Coral Vines which will be adorned with bright pink flowers with deep pink centers.
Thank you to our Landscape Committee who provided input on the plans and plant selection and assisted with locating the boulders. We are looking forward to watching the landscape establish in the coming months!!