Security Committee
To evaluate the issue of “Security” and determine what level(s) of service or infrastructure are appropriate and/or feasible and make recommendations to the Board related to budgeting and implementation.
Committee Objectives
- Review Nellie Gail Ranch homeowner survey responses to identify trends/homeowner preferences.
- Evaluate safety and security-related issues in the community, common area, property and facilities.
- Meet with the Orange County Sheriff Crime Prevention Specialist to review crime statistics in Nellie Gail Ranch and the City of Laguna Hills. Evaluate current and potential strategies and systems to better protect the community.
- Evaluate the current mobile patrol scope of work and post orders and evaluate effectiveness.
- Evaluate viable opportunities for implementing additional patrols, entry surveillance systems, Neighborhood Watch, signage, speed trailers or other ideas as the Committee may find during its research. Evaluate costs and benefits and make recommendations.
- Present specific recommendations for the Board of Directors in the form of a proposed implementation and funding plan.
- Prepare relevant articles for The Pony Express to inform Nellie Gail Ranch Members.
Security Committee Members:
- Pat Barry
- Steve Beeuwsaert
- Norm Dangelo
- Ed Fuller
- Stephen Blythe
- John Grosshans