Annual Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Location: 25281 Empty Saddle Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Registration & Call to Order: 6:30 PM

Board Candidacy Form:
The Association is soliciting candidates for the upcoming 2020 Board of Directors election to be held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.  Candidate applications must be received by the Association by March 25, 2020 to be nominated and listed on the pre-ballot notice that will be mailed to all homeowners of record prior to April 1, 2020.  The pre-ballot notice will include all names that will be included on the ballot to be mailed by May 1, 2020.
Candidates whose nominations are received after March 25, 2020 may still run for election but will not be included on the ballot.

  1. Subject to Civil Code §5105, all Candidates for the Board must meet the following qualifications:
    1. The Candidate must be an Owner. If title to a separate interest is held by a legal entity, such entity may appoint a natural person to serve or vote on such entity’s behalf by delivering evidence of an appropriate written appointment to the Association;
    2. The Candidate must be current in the payment of all regular and special assessments. For the purposes of these election rules, “current” means no regular or special assessment is past due by more than thirty (30) days, or such period of time as is specifically defined in the Association’s collection policy;
    3. The Candidate may not hold a joint ownership interest in the same separate interest as any other candidate or incumbent director; and
    4. The Candidate is not eligible to run if the Association is aware or becomes aware of a past criminal conviction that would, if the Candidate were elected, either prevent the Association from purchasing the fidelity bond coverage required by Civil Code §5806 or terminate the Association’s existing fidelity bond coverage.

Additional information regarding the Associations Election Rules and Procedures is provided in the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association Election Rules adopted November 19, 2019 and are available here or by request to
Notice of Board of Directors Election and Special Ballot Measure

The Annual Meeting of the Members and Election of Board of Directors is set for Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Nellie Gail Ranch Clubhouse at 25281 Empty Saddle Drive, Laguna Hills, CA.  In order to achieve quorum, at least fifty percent (50%) of the Homeowners (i.e. 704 out of 1407 members) must vote.  In the event that less than 50% of the membership participate in the Annual Meeting, either by returning their ballot or appearing in person, then those in attendance may adjourn the meeting to a date not less than 5 nor more than 30 days thereafter, and the quorum at such adjourned meeting shall be lowered to twenty-five percent (25%) (i.e. 352 out of 1407 members).  The Reconvened Election meeting date, if necessary, will be Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 6:30 pm at the same location.

This year three (3) seats are up for election.  The pre-ballot notice listing candidate names to be included on the ballot will be mailed to all homeowners of record prior to April 1, 2020.   Check the May 2020 issue of The Pony Express for candidate bios and information.  For any questions regarding the Annual Meeting and Election of Board Directors, please call the Association office at (949) 425-1477. 

Also included on this years’ ballot will be a special ballot measure for a membership vote to continue or discontinue 24-hour mobile patrol services.  The 2019 vote count was 330 in favor of keeping the service, 192 Against and 17 Abstained.  Feedback after the 2019 annual meeting suggested a preference to include this ballot measure again on the 2020 ballot.  Information regarding the cost of this service will be provided prior to balloting.