This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch
From the week ending July 22, 2022
Summer Concert Series – The Long Run

Congratulations Rogan Egerton
We are pleased to announce that Rogan Egerton will take over as Director of Tennis and Pickleball programs effective October 1st following the retirement of Bob Hochstadter. Rogan has been instrumental in the success of the competitive junior tennis program, coordinated the 2021 and 2022 summer tennis camps and mostly recently begun working on coordination of the ladies’ league play. We look forward to a seamless transition as Bob Hochstadter has worked with Rogan Egerton the past four years and mentored him as his successor.

Solar Panel Cleaning
This week we cleaned our Association Clubhouse solar panels. We are looking forward to improved efficiency with the removal of the dust and grime that occurs over time!