This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch
From the week ending April 29, 2022
May 2022 Pony Express Magazine
The May Issue of the Pony Express Magazine is out now. The Issue includes our Managers Message, Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Candidate Statements and much more!
Click the button to view the May Issue.
City of Laguna Hills Public Outreach Rezoning
The Laguna Hills City Council reviewed a Housing Element Update Report Laguna Hills CC Presentation at a workshop March 26, 2022. The city is considering approaches to meet the state Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). Currently under consideration is rezoning business properties to allow potential redevelopment that would allow additional lower income compliant high density units.
Another workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 6:00 pm at the Laguna Hills Community Center, Heritage Room. The Agenda Packet with the draft 2021-29 Housing Element Update is on the City website at
Adoption of a plan will be considered at a future regular city council meeting the 2nd or 4th Tuesdays. If you would like more information or have any questions or comments, please email the Planning Division at, Please note all comments provided are public record.
These changes to the housing element may affect our neighborhood and we want you to have an opportunity to provide input and participate in the process.