Nellie Gail Road Equestrian Crossings

Last Chance to Record Crossing Concerns: Input Requested

The City of Laguna Hills Traffic Commission is scheduled to meet Wednesday, May 19th. The Nellie Gail Ranch Trails & Safety Committee, with the support of the Equestrian Committee and certain concerned Nellie Gail Ranch Residents, will be attending this meeting to review crosswalk safety concerns focusing on the crosswalks at Nellie Gail Road at the Equestrian Center, the crossing on Nellie Gail Road and Empty Saddle, and the crossing at Nellie Gail Road and Rocking Horse Lane.  City staff are preparing a report for the meeting with updates on traffic studies they have completed for these crossings and potential options to implement additional safety measures.  The link at the bottom of this post is available to report any concerns you may have with “near misses” or “accidents” with vehicles while crossing these intersections. Please report your experiences as soon as possible as it is important to get previous incidents recorded in order that the Trails & Safety Committee and City may collaborate on best solutions to make our crossings safer for all. 
To submit a report please click on the following link and identify your name, the date of the incident, a brief description of the incident, and your relationship to Nellie Gail Ranch (resident, guest, equestrian instructor, equestrian boarder, etc.). If you don’t know the exact date, you may include the approximate date. Thank you in advance for your “near miss” reports as we collaborate with the City to make our streets safer for everyone!


Equestrian Crossing Incidents

Equestrian Center Clubhouse Improvement Project

The Equestrian Committee and Nellie Gail Ranch Board of Directors are excited to announce the timing for a long-awaited project to update our Equestrian Center Clubhouse.  We finished the exterior exactly one year ago in March 2020.  We are now ready to work on the interior!

The work will include replacing all kitchen cabinets and appliances.  We will be enlarging the kitchen slightly by removing an old mechanical room and will be installing a window to bring natural light into the kitchen and a view of the Upper Arena.  The main clubhouse will receive new entry and office doors, new tile flooring, and improved overhead lighting.  Additionally, we will be renovating the restrooms with all new fixtures, partitions, tile, and lighting.

The project will be paid from Equestrian Reserves which are solely funded from Equestrian Center boarding and trainer fees.  The refreshed Clubhouse will result in improved use and enjoyment of the Clubhouse and will maintain our Equestrian Center as a first-class boarding and equestrian training facility.

Trails Update

Due to the frequent on and off rains, some trails may not be accessible by vehicles even on sunny days. Trail permits are always required for vehicles to enter any of the trails.

In between the rains, the trail maintenance crew clears V-ditches & drains, regrades trails where needed, replaces broken sandbags and removes debris overflows into the city streets. 

Please contact the Association Office for trail conditions before accessing any trail with vehicles or construction equipment until further notice.

Trails are open to hikers and equestrians to use at their own risk, unless the trails are otherwise marked with caution tape or signs.

Nellie Gail Road Equestrian Crossings

Continue reading below to see how you can be of help.
Input Requested

The City of Laguna Hills Traffic Commission is scheduled to meet this January 20th. The Nellie Gail Ranch Trails & Safety Committee, with the support of the Equestrian Committee and certain concerned Nellie Gail Ranch Residents, will be attending this meeting and presenting crosswalk safety concerns focusing on the crosswalks at Nellie Gail Road at the Equestrian Center and the one on Nellie Gail Road and Empty Saddle. The link at the bottom of this post is available to report any concerns you may have with “near misses” or “accidents” with vehicles while crossing these intersections. Please report your experiences as soon as possible as it is important to get previous incidents recorded in order that the data may be compiled and shared with the city. The goal is to collaborate with the City to determine what further safety mechanisms may be implemented by the City to slow the flow of traffic on this particular stretch of Nellie Gail Road and prevent future near misses or accidents that could be hazardous to pedestrians, riders, and/or horses.
We know there may be other crossings within Nellie Gail Ranch that require additional safety measures, however, we are beginning with these two crossings. We plan to address other crossings in the future.
To submit a report please click on the following link and identify your name, the date of the incident, a brief description of the incident, and your relationship to Nellie Gail Ranch (resident, guest, equestrian instructor, equestrian boarder, etc.). If you don’t know the exact date, you may include the approximate date. Thank you in advance for your “near miss” reports as we collaborate with the City to make our streets safer for everyone!


Crossing Incidents Form

Trail Safety Related to ATV Golf Cart

We have received reports of an ATV golf cart careening around equestrian trails in proximity to Buckskin / Buckboard and Nellie Gail Road.  It has also been seen on the streets in this area, specifically on Mustang,  and over by Glenn Canyon Court.  The reports are four to six youths driving at high speed, loud voices, loud music, scaring horses, and pedestrians.  If you have youth and a golf cart at your home please check to confirm the use is safe and respectable. No motorized recreational vehicle use is permitted on the equestrian trails.  Use on public streets must be consistent with the law and with good common sense and respect to the community.  

If you see concerns of this nature during off-business hours you may report to the Nellie Gail Ranch mobile patrol officer at 949-371-7542.  During business hours you may report to the Association office at 949-425-1477.

Stall Decorating Contest Winners

Thank you to all of our boarders who participated in this year’s Stall Decorating Contest.

The winners are:
1st place to Amber & Valerie Clark Stall #59 (Lyrical)
 2nd place to Bree Kenney Stall #83 (Dash)
 3rd place to Marcus & Nicole Bhathal Stall #89 (Simba)

Nellie Gail Ranch Facilities Impacted by Regional Stay-at-Home Order

Consistent with the state Regional Stay-at-Home Order we have regretfully closed Nellie Gail Ranch playgrounds effective today. Nellie Gail Ranch parks and trails remain open for use subject to physical distancing requirements and no gatherings with members other than their own household.

The Equestrian Center and Recreation Center remain open as an outdoor recreational facility for the purpose of facilitating personal health through physically distanced outdoor exercise.

The press release may be viewed at the following link:

Oso Trail Between Nellie Gail Road and Moulton

Equestrians and hikers who know this section of the trail just beyond the Nellie Gail Road tunnel are familiar with conditions resulting from natural drainage that has been at best boggy and at worst impassable. In collaboration with the City, we have completed work this week to install culvert sections to transition water under and away from trails. This work will result in making a major link of the Nellie Gail Ranch trail system between the Equestrian Center and Moulton Parkway accessible for improved use throughout the year.

Equestrian Center Host to Evacuated Horses

Our Equestrian Center was privileged to host four horses evacuated from the Silverado Fire this week. Oakie and Booger returned home today after a three-day stay. Gracie and Crusader (Pictured) remain in our Sun Pens safe and cared for.

The evacuations were coordinated by San Juan Capistrano Large Animal Response Team (LART), an organization that provides training and resources to safely evacuate large animals during emergency situations. In addition, Doris Bryant one of our Equestrian Center boarders and a Hayden / Clarke Sporthorses trainer, volunteered with her daughter to transport other horses away from the fires during the first and most critical night of the fires. Volunteers with horse trailers made the difficult journey past checkpoints to enter the evacuation zone. They were then directed to homes that required assistance loading frightened animals in trailers and evacuating them to safety. Through the combined efforts of organizations like LART, transport volunteers, and private and commercial boarding facilities, many horses were safely evacuated from the fires and sheltered and cared for until ready to return home.

Nellie Gail Road Equestrian Crossings

Continue reading below to see how you can be of help.
Input Requested

The Nellie Gail Ranch Trails & Safety Committee, with the support of the Equestrian Committee and certain concerned Nellie Gail Ranch Residents, have initiated discussions with the City of Laguna Hills regarding safety concerns with pedestrian and equestrian crossings on Nellie Gail Road (connecting Moulton to Oso), with a particular focus on the pedestrian/equestrian crossing at the entrance to the Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center and Nellie Gail Road at Empty Saddle. The goal is to determine what further safety mechanisms, if any, can be implemented to slow the flow of traffic on this particular stretch of Nellie Gail Road and prevent “near misses” or accidents that could be hazardous to pedestrians, riders, and/or horses.

The City of Laguna Hills will be reviewing this matter over the next several months and has requested our help to collect certain data. To that end, if anyone encounters, or has encountered, a safety concern when crossing Nellie Gail Road by the Equestrian Center or when crossing Nellie Gail Road by Empty Saddle, or in any other locations in Nellie Gail Ranch, please report such incidents via the below link or by emailing To submit a report please click on the following link and identify your name, the date of the incident, a brief description of the incident, and your relationship to Nellie Gail Ranch (resident, guest, equestrian instructor, equestrian boarder, etc.). Thank you in advance for your “near miss” reports as we collaborate with the City to make our streets safer for everyone!

Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Crossings Form