Equestrian Center Tree Pruning

Taking advantage of a week when many of our equestrians and horses were away at the Blenheim Summer Classic we scheduled tree pruning at the Equestrian Center. Thirty trees were pruned and work has been completed. This seasonal project benefitting the Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center was funded by Equestrian Center boarding fees.

Equestrian Update

Our trainer Hayden Clarke Sport Horses and many of our Equestrian Center boarders are excited to start competing again after a long layoff over Spring and early summer. This will be their first show with the new COVID-19 protocols and best practices in place. Starting next week, the two week Blenheim Summer Classic takes place at the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park in San Juan Capistrano. This is a prestigious United States Equestrian Federation event for the top competing classes.

Trail Closure – Portion of Oso Mustang Oso Trail

The trail between Mustang and Buckskin (Oso Mustang Trail) will be closed to thru access from June 29th to July 3rd for trail grading. The accompanying map shows the closed section of the trail in RED.

Equestrian Neighbors Helping Neighbors

The Moulton Ranch community has several planters at Bridlewood and Oso they have been trying to beautify. They recently installed Agave in a planter to fill in a bare area. However, some of our equestrians who use the nearby horse crossing expressed concern regarding the sharp thorns in proximity to the trail and crossing. Moulton Ranch quickly accommodated removing the plants. Now it is our turn to be good neighbors as they prepare to replant with something that will both complement the aesthetics of the monument and their community entry and not be a concern to our equestrians. Please take care when riding or hiking to stay on the trail and avoid short-cutting across planter areas to access the sidewalk or street. While we are highlighting this for our Moulton Ranch neighbors, it is equally important in our own community at our many trailheads.

Special Meeting to Review Plan to Reopen Recreation Facilities

We have been monitoring the state and county press conferences regarding ongoing business closures and reopening discussions. We have also reviewed reports of local recreation facilities who are making moves to reopen their clubs. We are currently preparing our own plan for a phased reopening and are scheduling a Zoom video/conference call on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 6:00 pm to review a draft plan and schedule for reopening the recreation facilities. We want our homeowners, Tennis Members, Pickleball Members, and Swim Center Members to review our proposed plan for reopening and provide an opportunity for you to provide input. We know many people are ready to start participating in their sports of choice again, while others remain concerned about potential public exposure. We want to create a plan that addresses both perspectives and provides you with an opportunity to give input.

Please put the date of May 11, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. on your calendar. We will send a link to the meeting next week. Meanwhile, please safely enjoy our trails and open space and what looks to be a beautiful weekend.

Nellie Gail Ranch Facilities

While NGROA Parks remain open, the children’s playgrounds and equipment are closed. Please adhere to social distancing requirements when using the parks. No gatherings.

The status of NGROA Recreation Facilities are as follows:

  • NGROA Administrative Offices  – Closed
  • Tennis & Swim Club – Closed
  • Pickleball Courts – Closed
  • Park Grass Areas and Sidewalks – Open. Group gathering is prohibited. Comply with social distancing requirements
  • Trails – Open
  • Equestrian Center – Open
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact our world and all facets of life. The Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association (NGROA) Board of Directors are committed to protecting public health and slowing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Nellie Gail Ranch community. NGROA Management is closely monitoring the latest information from public health officials to assist the Board of Directors in determining appropriate actions for the community’s activities, administrative operations, and facilities. The above provides a summarized list of actions taken by the Board of Directors due to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The actions taken are consistent with the recommendations and requirements from the California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control, County of Orange, and the California Governor’s Office. These measures will be evaluated as needed, as the Coronavirus situation evolves and subsides.

Nellie Gail Ranch Operations In Response to State Executive Order

Consistent with the stay at home Executive Order we are prioritizing essential services.  The Nellie Gail Ranch Tennis and Swim Center and Association office have been closed and will re-open upon approval of the state.

The Executive Order may be viewed on the following link: https://covid19.ca.gov/img/N-33-20.pdf

We request you defer submittal of architectural improvement applications and Notices of Completion until we resume full operations.

Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center staff are providing essential services in the care of our boarder’s horses and will continue to work. We will work with our Association vendors to provide service for urgent needs.  Anything that is not deadline sensitive, health and safety or property damage related will be deferred until normal operations resume.  The Executive Order did not provide an end date so we will be monitoring.

Many of our staff are performing critical time-sensitive functions from home and we are monitoring vendors to be sure that critical maintenance continues to be performed as needed. If you have any questions or concerns during our office closure you may reach me at bmitchell@nelliegailranch.org. If you have an urgent or emergency need you may reach General Manager Brian Mitchell by cell phone at 949-395-0742.

Equestrian Center Clubhouse

This week we completed the Equestrian Center Clubhouse reserve projects that replaced the patio cover and sliding glass door and expanded the deck to include a handicapped ramp for improved accessibility. The new three-panel pocket door provides 10 feet of access to the deck that has a solid alumawood cover.

The reserve funds used for these projects were funded by boarding fees with no assessment contribution.

We look forward to providing our Equestrian clients with a nice area to gather and socialize.

Cabot Arena

After some feedback regarding the Cabot Arena footing depth we have reduced it a bit and re-groomed.  Come on out and enjoy our freshly dragged Cabot Arena.

Memorial Tree

Hayden / Clarke and equestrian friends of Rose Schwary donated this Orchid tree to commemorate the recent passing of Lady, Rose’s horse who has boarded at our Equestrian Center for almost 20 years. This tree overlooks Lady’s home stall and the arena she enjoyed training in.