This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch

From the week ending December 16, 2022

Snow Day at Gallup Park

Holiday Home Decorating Contestants Map

Thank you to our registered Holiday Lighting contestants and to all Nellie Gail Ranch neighbors who decorated and made our community so festive again this year! Take a drive this weekend and check out all of the homes entered in the contest! Click the button below for the Site map and list of addresses. Winners will be posted Monday but all reflect the spirit of the holidays and are well worth seeing!

Ballot Collection Update Regarding

CC&R Amendment Restricting Short Term Rentals

To date we have received 465 valid returned ballots. Our goal is to receive a minimum of 1,100 before ballots are counted February 7th so we are a little over 40% of the way there. Please return your ballot at your earliest opportunity. If you need a replacement ballot please contact our office at Remember, a non-vote is essentially a vote in favor of allowing short term rentals to continue unabated.

Join us for our Monday Night Football at The Watering Hole as the Rams take on the Packers Monday, December 19th!