Clubhouse Planting

Planting at the Clubhouse is nearly complete with final fill in and mulching scheduled next week.  The two trees in the photo are Desert Willow’s adorned with trumpet-shaped flower clusters that bloom late spring to fall. The trees will attract hummingbirds and are said to be fast-growing and easy to maintain. In the planter surrounding the trees, we have Gold Coin Daisy’s, Pigeon Point Dwarf Coyote Brush, and Siskiyou Blue Fescue for a mixture of flowers, shrubs, and grasses. The arbor has Antignon Leptopus Coral Vines which will be adorned with bright pink flowers with deep pink centers.

Thank you to our Landscape Committee who provided input on the plans and plant selection and assisted with locating the boulders. We are looking forward to watching the landscape establish in the coming months!!

Clubhouse Planting

In preparation for planting the old existing plant material was removed and the top four inches of old soil along with many surface roots. Work will continue next week with new soil and amendments being added.

Nellie Gail Ranch Clubhouse Planting

Demo of old plant material in front of the Clubhouse started today. The top layer of old soil will be removed and then fresh soil and amendments added. Drip irrigation and planting will follow.

Clubhouse Update

Thank you to our homeowners and club members for your patience. The exterior and hardscape clubhouse improvements have been completed!! There will be some paint touch up on Monday but the building is now complete and we have full use of the entry doors for access to the Swim and Tennis Centers. We look forward to the eventual opening of the clubhouse for our homeowners and club member’s use.

Planting will commence in the first week of August. The first step will be the excavation of 4″ of the existing topsoil that has construction debris and years of accumulated salts. Fresh soil and amendments will be placed and then planting will follow with drip irrigation. The Nellie Gail Ranch Landscape Committee will be selecting decorative boulders and actively monitoring the planting as we implement the scope of work.

Clubhouse Update

We are on the final stretch to completion of the Clubhouse exterior. The pavers leading to the Clubhouse entry have been set in place and the roof tiles displaced by the demo are being installed. This week and last the stucco and base color coat went on with building painting scheduled for next week then the scaffolding will come down. The new gate at the Tennis entry will also go in next week and very soon our members will be able to access the Clubhouse via the building entry again!

Clubhouse Update

We continue to move closer to completion. The parking lot and exterior stucco coat has been completed. Next week we start paint prep and base coat on the stucco and entire Clubhouse building. The construction fence will be down by Thursday and we will re-open the parking lot on Friday.

Clubhouse Update

This week the concrete walkways were poured and the new entry trellis was installed. Next week we are looking forward to completing the parking lot concrete drainage swale and asphalt. The following week we near completion of the hardscape part of our project with the installation of pavers at our Clubhouse entry and in the parking stalls. The building exterior will commence following the hardscape and following that we are very hopeful we will be ready to invite everyone in for a long-awaited GRAND OPENING! 

Special Open Session Board Meeting – May 11, 2020 – 6:00 pm

A special open session board meeting will be held via Zoom conference call for the purpose of considering the adoption of Temporary Recreation Center Use Rules.  Rules will be considered for adoption on a temporary basis to allow for the timely re-opening of recreation center facilities. At this meeting, we will present and provide an opportunity for member comments. Nellie Gail Ranch homeowners are invited to participate as well as our Tennis, Pickleball, and Swim Center Club members. 

Draft Rules

Zoom Meeting Link:
Dial-in by phone:  669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 850 8205 1349
Password: 514736
If you wish to submit a comment in lieu of calling in you may do so via the following link:

Submit a Comment

Special Meeting to Review Plan to Reopen Recreation Facilities

We have been monitoring the state and county press conferences regarding ongoing business closures and reopening discussions. We have also reviewed reports of local recreation facilities who are making moves to reopen their clubs. We are currently preparing our own plan for a phased reopening and are scheduling a Zoom video/conference call on Monday, May 11, 2020, at 6:00 pm to review a draft plan and schedule for reopening the recreation facilities. We want our homeowners, Tennis Members, Pickleball Members, and Swim Center Members to review our proposed plan for reopening and provide an opportunity for you to provide input. We know many people are ready to start participating in their sports of choice again, while others remain concerned about potential public exposure. We want to create a plan that addresses both perspectives and provides you with an opportunity to give input.

Please put the date of May 11, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. on your calendar. We will send a link to the meeting next week. Meanwhile, please safely enjoy our trails and open space and what looks to be a beautiful weekend.

Clubhouse Update

The excellent weather this week has allowed for some progress on the exterior of the Clubhouse. The first of the new concrete walkways were poured today as well as our new curbs. Trellis footings are complete as well as trenching for electrical and irrigation. It’s looking like another great weather week ahead with opportunities to continue forward.

We are not sure when the state and county guidelines will permit us to re-open but we are looking forward to seeing you all again!!