This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch
From the Week ending January 6, 2023
Trails Closed Due to Wet Conditions
All trails will remain closed to vehicles all weekend due to saturation and with expected rain next week will likely remain closed through next weekend as well. Please do not schedule feed or hay deliveries while the trails are wet. Every year we get one or two drivers who think they can beat the odds and it turns into an ordeal to offload and wait for the trails to dry enough to send out a rescue.

Ballot Collection Update Regarding
CC&R Amendment Restricting Short Term Rentals
To date we have received 519 valid returned ballots. Our goal is to receive a minimum of 1,100 before ballots are counted February 7th so we are a little over 47% of the way there. Please return your ballot at your earliest opportunity. If you need a replacement ballot please contact our office at Remember, a non-vote is essentially a vote in favor of allowing short term rentals to continue unabated.