This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch
From the Week ending January 13, 2023
CC&R Amendment Ballot
Seeking Ballot Collectors
We are seeking homeowner volunteers who may be willing to assist with a door-to-door effort to gather ballots from homeowners to help achieve the 75% threshold needed to adopt the proposed CC&R amendments. The amendment will require 1,055 “APPROVE” votes to pass. As of this Friday we have received 532 ballots leaving us well short of the required number. Additionally, we will not know the tally of the vote count (“APPROVE” and “DISAPPROVE”) on those submitted ballots until they are opened by the Inspector of Election. We will likely need in excess of 1,100 returned ballots to have a chance of passing the amendment. |
Ballots are scheduled to be opened and counted February 7th. If we do not have a sufficient number of submitted ballots then we can reconvene to March 7th. The only chance we believe we have of achieving the number of ballots required to pass the amendment is to have volunteers go door to door to collect ballots from homeowners who have not yet voted. The thought is we would issue 10-20 ballots to each owner who confirms a willingness to solicit ballots from neighbors. |
Please confirm if you are willing to solicit ballots from your neighbors. We are refining a process for issuing ballots to volunteers and will provide additional information regarding the process to those who reply to this e-mail. |
Thank you for considering this opportunity to have a positive impact on this amendment voting process!Please confirm with us via the following link at your earliest opportunity. |

CC&R Amendment Restricting Short Term Rentals
I need a Replacement Ballot
If you have not yet submitted a ballot and you misplaced yours please request a replacement ballot to be mailed to you via the following link:

Equestrian Center Event – Tack Shop & Swap

Criminal Activity in Nellie Gail Ranch
Please join us for the Crime Prevention Workshop
There have been several instances this month of theft of packages and decorations from home entries. We have also had several burglaries so it is more important than ever that we look out for each other. Look for suspicious vehicles and report them to the OC Sheriff at 949-770-6011. Know your neighbors phone numbers so you can call them if you see “vendors” who may not be their actual service providers.

Next Board Meeting
Below is a link to the agenda for the Tuesday, January 17th meeting at 7:30pm located at the Association Clubhouse. Click the button to view the agenda. Contact with any questions.