Happy Easter

We are wishing your family a safe and Happy Easter

Home Security Tips

Recent reports received from Crimemapping.com indicates a total of three (3) burglaries during the past 30 days in the Nellie Gail Ranch community.

Help keep our community safe by following these tips to protect yourself from property crime.

Criminals are looking for an easy opportunity with the lowest risk. These simple preventative steps can go a long way toward eliminating crimes of opportunity and reducing the frequency of burglaries or thefts in the community.

If you see something suspicious, please call Sheriff Dispatch at 949-770-6011 or 911 immediately. Valid calls to Sherriff Dispatch result in more frequent patrols by law enforcement of the Nellie Gail Ranch community. The longer you wait, the harder it is to catch the criminal.

  • Persons loitering in the neighborhood – in a vehicle or on foot.
  • Persons and/or vehicles in the same location for a long or unusual period of time.
  • Persons carrying or concealing something suspicious.
  • Persons peering into cars.
  • Valuables being removed from home or vehicle.
  • Strange vehicles parked at the neighbor’s home.
  • Light or flashlight in homes while neighbors are away.
  • Suspicious sounds such as breaking glass, alarms, screaming, loud bangs or gunshots.
  • Prying, pounding or forcing sounds.

This link has other tips to prevent crime https://www.ocsd.org/documents/sheriff/staysafe/StaySafeOCBrochureOutreach_PR.pdf

For information regarding Crime Mapping visit: https://www.crimemapping.com/about

And remember, if you see anything suspicious, please call Sheriff Dispatch at 949-770-6011 or 911 in case of an emergency.

Stay At Home Order

The Nellie Gail Ranch Association office is currently closed due to the Corona Virus Stay At Home Order. We are however working remotely and have access to e-mail. Please e-mail inquiries directly to the below staff or for general information to admin@nelliegailranch.org.
Brenda Weber
Financial Transactions Coordinator

Brian Mitchell
General Manager

Corri Slater
Tennis Front Desk Supervisor

Dave Jones
Equestrian Manager

Dennis Moss
Operations Manager

Diane Goodchild
Office Administrator, Architectural Reviews & Submittals

Jeff Hinkle
Facilities (Parks & Trails) & Compliance Manager

Manuel Ruelas
Equestrian Facility Operation Manager
(949) 533-0241

Monique DiBonaventura
Website, Pony Express & Events Coordinator

For life-threatening emergencies please call 911. For property emergencies, you may call 949-933-8546 or 949-395-0742.

Thank you for your patience at this time. We look forward to returning to normal operations May 1st pending release of the stay at home order. We wish all the best to all of our Nellie Gail Ranch families!!

Nellie Gail Ranch Facilities

While NGROA Parks remain open, the children’s playgrounds and equipment are closed. Please adhere to social distancing requirements when using the parks. No gatherings.

The status of NGROA Recreation Facilities are as follows:

  • NGROA Administrative Offices  – Closed
  • Tennis & Swim Club – Closed
  • Pickleball Courts – Closed
  • Park Grass Areas and Sidewalks – Open. Group gathering is prohibited. Comply with social distancing requirements
  • Trails – Open
  • Equestrian Center – Open
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact our world and all facets of life. The Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association (NGROA) Board of Directors are committed to protecting public health and slowing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Nellie Gail Ranch community. NGROA Management is closely monitoring the latest information from public health officials to assist the Board of Directors in determining appropriate actions for the community’s activities, administrative operations, and facilities. The above provides a summarized list of actions taken by the Board of Directors due to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The actions taken are consistent with the recommendations and requirements from the California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control, County of Orange, and the California Governor’s Office. These measures will be evaluated as needed, as the Coronavirus situation evolves and subsides.

Kids Easter Coloring Contest

Join us for an Easter coloring contest! Download the coloring page below and return your picture by email, along with your address, to Melody Smith at melody@melodyandassociates.com by Monday, April 6, to win a prize!Thank you to Melody and Associates for helping spread some Easter cheer during this time!


Hidden Trail Road – Fiber Optic Upgrade By Cox Communication

Cox Communication has provided us information regarding planned fiber-optic upgrades along a stretch of Hidden Trail Rd between Pine Strap Circle and Derby Hill Drive. The below link provides information regarding the impact on streets and changes to existing equipment pedestals located in the right of way on some properties. Cox Communication will be coordinating with the City of Laguna Hills. Cox provided us the following notice:
The fiber optic upgrade includes our equipment on your property / landscaping. The equipment upgrade to support fiber optic cable is necessary to free up congestion in the network that will improve our service to the residents within the community and all of customers in the geographical area for now and into the future. There will not be a cost or price increase to the customers as a result of the upgrade. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. 
  • We will be boring through the streets on the map in green to install conduits underground to feed our fiber optic cable from point to point
  • We door tag all residents at the latest 48hrs prior to starting each phase of work. We also place sandwich board signs at the Greenfield entrance prior to starting work
  • Work hours for the project are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., end time is approximate, could be earlier end time but not later than 5p
  • This work is required to pull new fiber optic cable from point to point because the existing conduit is either full, damaged or a non-existent pathway, this takes about a week to complete.
  • There is a coordination effort with Cox, HOA and the residents to accommodate traffic/pedestrian flow around the construction zone with flaggers if necessary.
  • We will absorb all restoration cost associated with the project including landscaping. 
  • You do have the option to use your own landscapers to restore the affected landscaped area and we will reimburse you for that cost.
  • There are no planned loss of service during construction.
  • After all work is complete there will be a cutover activation that typically takes place within the overnight maintenance window of 12 a.m. – 6 a.m., the cutover is quick, within minutes and we ensure all modems are back on the network.


Neighbors Helping Neighbors

We are constantly monitoring how the coronavirus is impacting our community and with this, in mind, we have created a new homeowner forum. We would love for you to use the platform to stay connected to your neighbors whether it be to ask for help or offer assistance. Let’s use this tool to help each other while still adhering to the CDC guidelines of staying physically distant.

If you need any help with the website, please email Monique at MoniqueD@NellieGailRanch.org



Board Meeting Cancelled

The Open Session Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2020, has been canceled. We will hopefully be resuming meetings by the next scheduled meeting date of April 21, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.

Nellie Gail Ranch Operations In Response to State Executive Order

Consistent with the stay at home Executive Order we are prioritizing essential services.  The Nellie Gail Ranch Tennis and Swim Center and Association office have been closed and will re-open upon approval of the state.

The Executive Order may be viewed on the following link: https://covid19.ca.gov/img/N-33-20.pdf

We request you defer submittal of architectural improvement applications and Notices of Completion until we resume full operations.

Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center staff are providing essential services in the care of our boarder’s horses and will continue to work. We will work with our Association vendors to provide service for urgent needs.  Anything that is not deadline sensitive, health and safety or property damage related will be deferred until normal operations resume.  The Executive Order did not provide an end date so we will be monitoring.

Many of our staff are performing critical time-sensitive functions from home and we are monitoring vendors to be sure that critical maintenance continues to be performed as needed. If you have any questions or concerns during our office closure you may reach me at bmitchell@nelliegailranch.org. If you have an urgent or emergency need you may reach General Manager Brian Mitchell by cell phone at 949-395-0742.

Easter Event Canceled

In light of the latest directives from the OC Health Care Agency to protect public health and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, Nellie Gail Ranch is canceling upcoming events, including the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

For the most updated information on this outbreak please visit CDC COVID-19.