This Week in Nellie Gail Ranch

From the Week ending April 5, 2024

April Pony Express Magazine
The April Pony Express Magazine is out now!
Find out all the events, important information and all the happenings around the community. Click below or the photo to view the magazine. Pony Express Magazine
Dapple Grey Round Pen Repairs
Repairs are underway at the Dapple Grey Round Pen following the recent storm damage sustained from a fallen tree.  We are taking the opportunity to not just repair the rail fencing, but also to upgrade the round pen functionality.  We are installing 6” of decomposed granite under the new sand footing to provide a firmer base than the past soil base.  
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Trail Status – Maintenance
The calendar indicates that we are approaching the conclusion of the rainy season. Here is an update on our trail maintenance priorities as we transition into spring. We are currently emphasizing four key areas: Weed Abatement to clear trail path of travelTrail grading after rainsSandbag repairsClear v-ditches and storm drains Weed clearance on slopes will take place later in Spring around late May.  If you have any specific areas of concern as you are out and about hiking or riding you may e-mail photos and locations to Jeff Hinkle at
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