Save the Date – Winter Wonderland


Our Horse-O-Ween event was held last Saturday at the Equestrian Center.  We enjoyed our riders in costumes, rode through a fun obstacle course and played some fun games. Thank you to Lion’s Heart who provided us with some youth volunteers to set up and take down the decorations.  Thank you also to all who attended.  Lastly, we hope all of our Nellie Gail Ranch families enjoyed a safe and fun Halloween evening last night!

Street Lights

We recently conducted an inventory of street lights that were out and reported them to the City of Laguna Hills.  We confirmed this week that 32 lights that were reported are now operating again.  If you have a street light that is out, you may report it to or submit an on-line request at the following link:  Please provide them with the closest street address to the pole.  Copy us at and we will confirm they were repaired and follow up if necessary.

Horse-O-Ween – Saturday, October 26th at 9:00 a.m.

This is a reminder to join us at the Equestrian Center this Saturday, October 26th at 9:00 a.m. for our annual Horse-O-Ween event. The festivities will begin with a costume contest followed by fun Halloween activities. Please contact Charee Jones, Equestrian Center Manager, with any questions at 949-371-1595.

Equestrian Easement Trail Maintenance

Trail maintenance can take many forms. This week we found an active beehive along Saddleback View Trail. Despite the cooling weather, these bees were very active. To maintain a safe trail and to show respect for our natural Nellie Gail Ranch environment, we brought in Alberta the Beekeeper who provides honeybee rescue and relocation. Here is Alberta (949-646-2606) rescuing the queen and relocating the hive.

Clubhouse Refresh Update

We have had inquiries and want to update you regarding the projected completion date for our Clubhouse project. Frankly, we have been reluctant to provide updates recently since the prior projections we have provided have not been met. The Board has been very concerned with the extended time this project is taking. The Board negotiated a liquidated damages clause in late July that took effect September 15th so the contractor is motivated to finish. That being said, work has been progressing much more slowly than we would like. The current projected end date is December 6th.

We have implemented some additional processes to assist in coordinating the remaining work to be completed such as directly ordering the doors and windows. The contractor has given us assurances they intend to commit resources sufficient to complete the job and we are doing the best we can to escort them to the finish line. We have a ways to go but are committed to getting this project completed. And, just as importantly, completed in a way that you will be proud of the clubhouse as a homeowner and a member once it fully re-opens.

Thank you for your patience!

Home Security Tips

The Nellie Gail Ranch 24 hour security patrol reports an average of eight (8) homes per month with garage doors being left open overnight. Remember to check and secure all windows, doors and gates to your home and property at night and when you leave even if for only a few minutes. Side gates should be kept locked to deter entrance to the backyard. Also, check your car doors and windows, set the alarm if you have one and never leave a purse, wallet or valuables in plain sight.

Annual Horse-O-Ween Event

An annual favorite for equestrians and equine enthusiasts of all ages, Horse-O-Ween is here! It will take place on Saturday, October 26 at 9:00 am. Start preparing your costumes and come join the fun!

The costume contest will kick off the festivities, followed by fun Halloween themed activities. We encourage riders and spectators of all ages to attend our most fun and festive equestrian event of the year!

For more information, please contact Equestrian Center Manager, Charee Jones at 949-371-1595 or

Homeowner Tree Planting Process

The Landscape Committee has been working to create opportunities to enhance the Nellie Gail Ranch “urban forest”. Planting Association common areas is one focus, another has been to find ways to streamline the process for homeowners to plant trees on their own property. Homeowners may now take advantage of a new program where the Association will waive the $100 ARC Application and the $250 deposit fee for homeowner applications that solely consist of tree planting improvements and do not impact views. It is preferred that Eucalyptus trees be avoided due to fire risk of that species of tree. All applications will continue to be reviewed by the ARC to evaluate as to adherence with view standards. Contact the Association office for an application at

We hope you can benefit from this new program to add trees for shade and/or aesthetic beauty!


NEXT BOARD MEETING – SEPTEMBER 24, 2019; 7:30 p.m.

Reminder – the next Board of Directors meeting has been rescheduled to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
7:30 p.m.
in the Association Clubhouse