Swim Center Fence Painting

The Swim Center perimeter fence repairs and painting is scheduled to take place beginning Monday, September 14, 2020. The crews will work 7:30 am – 3:00 pm.

The Swim Center will remain open during repairs and painting. The project is scheduled to be completed by Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

Next Board Meeting

Pickleball Drop-In Play Schedule Begins Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Tennis Center will begin to allow drop-in pickleball play beginning Saturday, September 19, 2020, in accordance with the following:

  • Designated drop-in play 4 mornings per week 9:00 am to 12 noon – The morning drop-in play days will be Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.
  • Designated drop-in play 3 evenings per week 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm – The evening drop-in play days will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
  • Each drop-in day will be open to 48 members on a call-in basis 48 hours in advance to reserve a space for rotating gameplay.
  • All drop-In players must wear masks while sidelined and must adhere to physical distancing standards.
  • 32 players on court and 16 players waiting to rotate in for play.
  • Members may reserve a spot for themselves and anyone else sharing their membership. (couples & family membership)
  • To reserve a drop-in play space, please call the Tennis Desk beginning at 7:30 am at 949-831-6660.

Please note: All other times, courts may be reserved on the Kourts App 4 days in advance.Drop-in play procedures will be outlined and sent out early next week.

Tennis & Swim Club Open Labor Day

The Tennis & Swim Centers are open regular hours from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm on Monday, September 7th, Labor Day.

There are no swim team or swim programs scheduled Monday, September 7, 2020. So beat the heat by the pool on this holiday!

The Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association Office will be closed on Monday, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.

Stay cool at the pool and enjoy your holiday weekend!

Clubhouse Planting

Planting at the Clubhouse is nearly complete with final fill in and mulching scheduled next week.  The two trees in the photo are Desert Willow’s adorned with trumpet-shaped flower clusters that bloom late spring to fall. The trees will attract hummingbirds and are said to be fast-growing and easy to maintain. In the planter surrounding the trees, we have Gold Coin Daisy’s, Pigeon Point Dwarf Coyote Brush, and Siskiyou Blue Fescue for a mixture of flowers, shrubs, and grasses. The arbor has Antignon Leptopus Coral Vines which will be adorned with bright pink flowers with deep pink centers.

Thank you to our Landscape Committee who provided input on the plans and plant selection and assisted with locating the boulders. We are looking forward to watching the landscape establish in the coming months!!

Say Hello to the New Logo

You will start to see our new logo popping up around the community. We wanted to stay true to our history and keep the stagecoach while going in a slightly cleaner look that will fit nicely on items from wine glasses to ranch gates. We hope that you like this new look and keep your eyes peeled for future logo branding!

Equestrian Center Tree Pruning

Taking advantage of a week when many of our equestrians and horses were away at the Blenheim Summer Classic we scheduled tree pruning at the Equestrian Center. Thirty trees were pruned and work has been completed. This seasonal project benefitting the Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center was funded by Equestrian Center boarding fees.

Next Board Meeting

Graffiti Vandalism

The North side of Nellie Gail Ranch has been struck by graffiti vandals three times in the past two weeks. The areas hit were Bridlewood at Glen Canyon and Nellie Gail Road at Buckboard. It appears the tagging has been done by the same individuals. We have reported the vandalism to the sheriff and the city.

Our mobile patrol security vehicle is keeping a watch but we need the watchful attention of our homeowners too. If you see anything currently in progress please call 9-1-1. If you see anything suspicious, please report to sheriff dispatch at 949-770-6011. The City of Laguna Hills has a Graffiti Hotline you can call at 949-707-2656. Be sure to note the exact location of the graffiti. You may also call the mobile patrol security officer directly at 949-371-7542. However, please call the sheriff first, then the security patrol vehicle in order that the sheriff can respond to direct homeowner calls.

Cleanup is the responsibility of the owner of whatever was tagged. The city takes care of the streets, curbs, and sidewalks, Nellie Gail Ranch takes care of trail fencing and signs and each homeowner is responsible for their own walls or other improvements. Again, please be watchful and report anything suspicious.