Driving Safely in Nellie Gail Ranch

As an equestrian community, we have a myriad of unique crosswalks and trail crossings. The crossing at the Equestrian Center has flashing beacons to warn drivers while other crossings have signage and white painted triangles on the pavement delineating the crossing. Still, other crossings have warning signage but no painted markings on the street. The next time you drive through the community, please take note of where the crossings are and the different kinds of crossing identification between your home and where you normally exit or enter the community. Keep the following in mind as you drive:

  • Expect to see a horse or pedestrian using the crossing. Even if you rarely see the crossing used, expecting to see a horse or pedestrian will result in a safer speed. Notice in the above photo the car going through the crossing in front of the Equestrian Center while the beacon lights were flashing.
  • Slow down and stop well before the crossing if possible and be patient allowing the horse to completely cross. A car passing close behind a horse midway through a crossing can cause it to startle. Horses are flight animals and can bolt forward or sideways at high speed and often into the street when startled.
  • Be aware of your speed! Look for “Watch Downhill Speed” signs. When descending some of our steep streets it takes definitive braking to maintain 25 MPH. When ascending, you need extra power to get up the hill and that sometimes translates into higher speeds especially once the grade changes to level. Be aware of your speed.
  • Be aware of your site lines as you drive through the community. Change speed according to curves, elevation changes, the number of cars parked on the street, and especially proximity to crossings and parks.
  • Do you have traffic safety signs in front of your home? Is your home on a corner? Look for tree branches or other landscaping that may block or partially block crossing signs, street signs, speed limit signs or lighting. Look at the signs from the perspective of a driver and maintain your landscape accordingly.

Human nature is to increase awareness when we are in unfamiliar places. Unfortunately, that translates to a false sense of security when we drive through our own community. Signs and speed are often filtered out of our consciousness.

Let’s all commit to a renewed focus on safety in the Nellie Gail Ranch Community. Try teaching your children and make it more fun for yourself by making a game of locating the different traffic signs or being the first to spot a horse.

Graffiti Vandalism

The North side of Nellie Gail Ranch has been struck by graffiti vandals three times in the past two weeks. The areas hit were Bridlewood at Glen Canyon and Nellie Gail Road at Buckboard. It appears the tagging has been done by the same individuals. We have reported the vandalism to the sheriff and the city.

Our mobile patrol security vehicle is keeping a watch but we need the watchful attention of our homeowners too. If you see anything currently in progress please call 9-1-1. If you see anything suspicious, please report to sheriff dispatch at 949-770-6011. The City of Laguna Hills has a Graffiti Hotline you can call at 949-707-2656. Be sure to note the exact location of the graffiti. You may also call the mobile patrol security officer directly at 949-371-7542. However, please call the sheriff first, then the security patrol vehicle in order that the sheriff can respond to direct homeowner calls.

Cleanup is the responsibility of the owner of whatever was tagged. The city takes care of the streets, curbs, and sidewalks, Nellie Gail Ranch takes care of trail fencing and signs and each homeowner is responsible for their own walls or other improvements. Again, please be watchful and report anything suspicious.

New 24-Hour Security Patrol Company Begins Service

The Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association Board of Directors recently approved a new contract for 24-hour mobile security patrol services. A contract with Allied Universal Security Services is scheduled to commence at 12:01 am on Saturday, April 11, 2020. Allied Universal is a worldwide leading provider of security services with local management to oversee our community. The post orders specify on-going high visibility patrols of all Nellie Gail Ranch community streets and entries for deterrence and detection. Mobile patrol officers will look for suspicious activities and report concerns to the appropriate authorities. Patrol officers will not engage, chase or otherwise insert themselves into criminal apprehension. The patrol vehicle will have Allied Universal and Nellie Gail Ranch logos and light bar.

Home Security Tips

Recent reports received from Crimemapping.com indicates a total of three (3) burglaries during the past 30 days in the Nellie Gail Ranch community.

Help keep our community safe by following these tips to protect yourself from property crime.

Criminals are looking for an easy opportunity with the lowest risk. These simple preventative steps can go a long way toward eliminating crimes of opportunity and reducing the frequency of burglaries or thefts in the community.

If you see something suspicious, please call Sheriff Dispatch at 949-770-6011 or 911 immediately. Valid calls to Sherriff Dispatch result in more frequent patrols by law enforcement of the Nellie Gail Ranch community. The longer you wait, the harder it is to catch the criminal.

  • Persons loitering in the neighborhood – in a vehicle or on foot.
  • Persons and/or vehicles in the same location for a long or unusual period of time.
  • Persons carrying or concealing something suspicious.
  • Persons peering into cars.
  • Valuables being removed from home or vehicle.
  • Strange vehicles parked at the neighbor’s home.
  • Light or flashlight in homes while neighbors are away.
  • Suspicious sounds such as breaking glass, alarms, screaming, loud bangs or gunshots.
  • Prying, pounding or forcing sounds.

This link has other tips to prevent crime https://www.ocsd.org/documents/sheriff/staysafe/StaySafeOCBrochureOutreach_PR.pdf

For information regarding Crime Mapping visit: https://www.crimemapping.com/about

And remember, if you see anything suspicious, please call Sheriff Dispatch at 949-770-6011 or 911 in case of an emergency.

Package Theft Safety Tips

From www.ocsd.org

Black Friday and Cyber Monday means great deals, but it also means packages arriving at your door and thieves lurking for the perfect opportunity. With the majority of deliveries left on doorsteps and not requiring a signature for release, package theft is expected to be on the rise this holiday season.

In some instances, thieves will follow or watch for the UPS, Fed Ex or other delivery trucks and then target a home after a delivery is made.

Here are some tips you can follow to keep your presents safe from porch pirates:

  • Install a security camera on your porch, put thieves on the defense by recording their every move
  • Use your workplace as the shipping address
  • Track your shipments by phone, on-line, or by carrier app so you know what day they should arrive
  • Ask your neighbor to watch for your delivery and then hold the items until you arrive home
  • Keep an eye on your neighborhood and report suspicious persons and vehicles sitting or cruising the area – See Something, Say Something!
  • Request a signature delivery option, if available
  • Have the shipment be held at the shipping facility such as a UPS office or an Amazon Pick Up Point
  • Utilize a “mailbox” business in your town and see if they will accept shipment of your item for a fee
  • If you do not receive your shipment on time, check with the company of origin and confirm the delivery. If the item was delivered and you did not receive it, then report the theft or loss to the original company, the shipping company, and your local police.

Remember, if you see something suspicious, say something!e

Security Safety Tip of the Month: Lights! Camera! Action!

Lights!  Don’t give a burglar the cover of darkness around your home in which to work.  Be sure the front of your home is well lit at night.  The options for effective security lighting range from a simple porch light that you turn on before turning in at night, to dusk to dawn technology that activates at or around dusk, to motion activated spotlights.  Do some research, find out what works best for your home and budget and get started!

Camera!  Like lighting, there is a wide variety of security camera options available to protect your home. A do it yourself-er may prefer an option like Ring, widely available commercially, that provide an array of low cost, easy to install doorbell cameras for your front door and motion activated spotlight cameras for the perimeter areas of your yard.  You can pick what you need, add and modify as needed, and their service plans are affordable and flexible based upon your needs.  There are also countless professional security camera companies available who will do an assessment of your property and customize a security camera system that meets your needs and budget.

Action!  Take some simple, common-sense steps to make your home less attractive to criminals. Be sure the entryways and windows of your home are not hidden by overgrown trees and bushes.  Do not leave extension ladders in your yard providing easy access to the second-floor doors and windows of your home.  Lock your doors and windows when you are not at home.  Let your neighbors know if you are going to be away for an extended period of time.  You can also request home checks by the Sheriff’s Department if you will be away on vacation.

Home security is everyone’s business.  It is unreasonable to expect the police or private security to prevent all crime.  Make your home less attractive to criminals and you will be less likely to become a victim of crime.  Lights! Camera! Action! means safety and security for your home and loved ones!

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Sergeant McFatridge and Timory Sayne from Laguna Hills Police Services led the Neighborhood Watch start-up meeting at the Nellie Gail Ranch Clubhouse last Saturday, March 23, 2019. The meeting had 86 attendees with 61 homeowners signing in from 49 households. Police Services will follow up with those who signed in to recruit block captains to formalize a program. 
If you were unable to attend the meeting and you are willing to volunteer to be a Block Captain please reach out to Police Services at crimeprevention@lagunahillsCA.gov
Below are links to the following:
Much of the meeting was spent in town hall format with Sergeant McFatridge sharing information regarding law enforcement efforts to service Nellie Gail Ranch and the Laguna Hills Community. Select the following link for more detailed information on the meeting.

Police Services Resources

Anonymous tips related to criminal activity may be reported on http://occrimestoppers.org/submit-a-tip/. Tips are anonymous and may be placed online or by phone. Visit the website for more details.

Text to 911 is available in Orange County. Voice calls remain the primary method to report emergencies. However, if you are anywhere in the county and unable to make a voice call, in a loud concert or sports venue, for example, you may text the emergency report.

Neighborhood Watch Start-Up Meeting Saturday, March 23, 2019, at 2:30 p.m. (Association Clubhouse)

Citizen involvement is essential to combat crime. Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that promotes cooperation between citizens and law enforcement to reduce crime in their communities. Laguna Hills Police Services will be presenting information to the Nellie Gail Ranch community on Saturday, March 23, 2019, at 2:30 p.m. at the Association Clubhouse. The presentation will include an overview of what it takes to start and participate in an effective Neighborhood Watch program. Effective crime prevention techniques will also be presented. Homeowners will be encouraged to participate, get to know their neighbors better, and volunteer to be Neighborhood Watch Block Captains. Below is a link to additional information. Please plan to attend this important community meeting and select the RSVP link so we can know how many to plan for!



Nellie Gail Ranch Security Update

The Board President has a meeting scheduled next week with the Laguna Hills Chief of Police to discuss recent break-ins and community concerns. In follow up to this meeting Board Members will meet with the Security Committee to discuss what opportunities may be available for Nellie Gail Ranch and its homeowners to assist the police in effectively deterring criminal activity. These two meetings are in preparation for review by the Board at its March 19th meeting. The Saturday following the Board Meeting, the above-referenced Neighborhood Watch meeting will take place. The most recent Neighborhood Watch presentation was held at the Association Clubhouse April 26, 2017, with 30 homeowners attending. We are seeking an increased participation commitment to really kick off the program this time. Please plan to attend and participate in this meeting.